Although unintentional, I can't escape the fact my colour choice resembles flesh. This has been brought up in the group crit and various other conversations about my work. So I need to address it/accept it; at least give it more thought as to whether this strengthens my concept or distracts from it.
It reminds me of something I read about Eva Hesse...
Barry Schwabsky on Eva Hesse:
"Barry Schwabsky described her work for the Camden Arts Centre in London: "Things folded, things piled, things twisted, things wound and unwound; tangled things, blunt things to connect to; materials that have a congealed look, materials that seem lost or discarded or mistreated; shapes that look like they should have been made of flesh and shapes, that look like they might be made of flesh but should not have been – you can look at these things, these materials, these shapes, and feel the shudder of an unnamable nanosensation, or you can let your eye pass by them without reaction; maybe you can do both at once."[38]"